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Flyers and posters

Google is STILL Watching

And we must stop it, Google is the worst company ever i want it to end already. GGLSTLLWTCHNG.png

NEW! Google Campus *social*

Because crumbs from Google's cake could make the world a better place


Mai2018 - Workers "Fuck Off Google"

(inspired by Mai68 posters)

Mai2018 workers FuckOffGoogle.png

PDF file for easy printing: File:Mai2018 workers FuckOffGoogle.pdf

Mai2018 - Factory "No Kreuzberg for Google"

(inspired by Mai68 posters)

Mai2018 factory NoKreuzbergForGoogle.png

PDF file for easy printing: File:Mai2018 factory NoKreuzbergForGoogle.pdf

MetaData Kills

Metadata Kills predator.png PDF file for easy printing: File:Metadata Kills predator.pdf

Metadata Kills T800 c.jpeg

Metdata Kills Bryn c.jpeg

March 3rd Protest - Kiezspaziergang


NOISE against Google Campus / Noise protest - Every first Friday of each month

Noise against Google campus generic.png Noise against Google campus generic pink.png

Noise against Google campus June white.png Noise against Google campus June pink.png Noise against Google campus.svg May blue.png Noise against Google campus.svg May.png Noise against Google campus.svg.png Noise against Google campus.svg magenta.png Noise against Google campus.jpg Noise against Google campus pinkish.jpg Noise against Google campus greenish.jpg Noise against Google campus purplish.jpg

draft proposal for a flyer "apartment to rent"


flyer/poster "Google ist kein guter nachbar"

For 2017/12/18 gathering. Text could be reused. (bad scan)

Flyer 20171218 a.jpg Flyer 20171218 b.jpg

flyer/poster "Fuck Off Google"

Should work from A7 to A1 ;)

Poster a-2.png

Even simpler flyer/poster "Fuck Off Google"

Another, even simpler:

FuckOffGoogle simple-poster.png

Images for posters, stickers, etc.

Fuck off Google sticker/poster #1

Fuck off Google sticker/poster #2

Fuck off Google spy sticker/poster #3



More in the urban art gallery "FuckOffGoogle Street-View

Photo banner "Google Campus not welcome"

Photo banner "Fuck off Google"

Photo banner

Copywrong Fuck off Google. All rights reversed.