Main Page

From FuckOffGoogle
Revision as of 20:03, 1 March 2018 by Lwm (talk | contribs) (Add link to all the links)
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Welcome to FUCK OFF GOOGLE Wiki! Check the next events!

Here is a space to collect and aggregate data, campaigning material, and everything that can help kicking the "Google campus" out of Kreuzberg!

Be welcome to help organize fact-based data on this company and their behavior worldwide! (to get started create an account and log in. Then click "edit" on any page, starting new pages, upload files, etc.)

Check the uploaded files

Mobilization ideas, campaigns, events and actions

Next events and actions

Posters, flyers, images, videos and other campaigning material

Images and Flyers to print, spread and remix.

Videos - Rip, remix, share

Documentation, Research and other informational resources

Google and mass surveillance

Google and mass surveillance

Google and gentrification

Google and gentrification

Google, taxes and the law

Google, taxes and the law

Google's limitless expansion

Google's limitless expansion in power and spectrum of activity

Google and Transhumanism

Google and Transhumanism

Google's apparent good sides

Google and Counterculture

"Smart Cities"

"Smart Cities"

distributed tools, Free/libre software, End-to-end encryption, Metadata protection

Resources about distributed tools, Free/libre software, End-to-end encryption, Metadata protection

Critiques of Hacktivism / Kritik des Hacktivismus


Critiques of Hacktivism

Kritik des Hacktivismus

Replacements/Alternatives to Google services



Books related to Google

Silicon Valley Rising Political group, check here for huge list of articles

Press review

follow the Press Review by "Google Campus Verhindern" site

Related Movements

Add something


(click an "edit" link, after having created an account.)

Getting started