FuckOffGoogle Street-View
Here is a gallery of some of the many urban art pieces and other interventions in the streets of Kreuzberg against Google.
Feel free to contribute by uploading files (login required), or sending them via our contact address. Unless otherwise specified, these images are under a Creative Commons BySa license. Feel free to re-use, remix and share!
"Google, c'est la guerre!"("Google is war!")
"All empires must FALL - Rise up against GOOGLE & co."
"Tchüss Google!" ("Bye Google!")
"Solidarity from Berlin To SF, San Jose, Rennes, Toronto"
Occupation of projected "google campus" site
Occupation of projected "google campus" site
"Fuck Off Google", Google = Polizei
"Nieder mit der Krake" ("Death to the Kraken")
"Google not welcome" - Kotti &co
"Stell dir vor es gabe einen google campus und niemand geht hin" ("Imagine if there was a google campus and nobody went.")
"Mach mal Google, aus" ("OK Google, out!")
"Fuck Google - Ask your Neighbors!" SoZi36
Make some Dezentral Lärm!
"fuck off google" on the Umspannwerk
"Google go home" during occupation of Umspannwerk
"Destroy Google" full building by Berlin Kidz
"Destroy Google" full building by Berlin Kidz
"Fuck Google" full building by Berlin Kidz
on bridge in front of Umspannwerk
"Ick scheiß uff Google" ("I shit you Google")
"Ick scheiß uff Google" ("I shit you Google")
Paint attack on Umspannwerk
Paint attack on Umspannwerk
XX Google! In front of Umspannwerk
"Google campus buuh, leck meinen schuh!" ("Google campus Boo, Lick my shoe!")
"Google, du scheiß Petze!" ("Google, you shit snitch!")
"Shutdown Google! Start-up revolt!"
Copyright Fuck off Google 2023. All rights reserved.