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FuckOffGoogle β


Revision as of 11:33, 27 April 2018 by Gonetothedogs (talk | contribs) (

This is a script that would run on OpenWRT:

You would do, for example:

  • root@OpenWrt:~# gl 1
  • That would create for you and in the current working directory.
  • Then run ./ and all packets destined to google will be marked with MARK 1
  • So add a rule something like:
iptables -N reject
iptables -A OUTPUT -m mark --mark 4 -j reject
iptables -A reject -p tcp -j REJECT --reject-with tcp-reset
iptables -A reject -j REJECT --reject-with icmp-port-unreachable

  • You also need to feed traffic into the m_ip chain in your mangle table.
  • How you might wish to do this is left as an exercise to the reader :-/

## setup name fwmark#
IP=`nslookup $1 | grep -E '[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}' | tail -n1 | cut -d\  -f3`
AS=`wget -q -O -$IP/org | cut -f1 -d \  | sed -e 's/AS//'`

echo '#!/bin/sh' > add_$
chmod 750 add_$
echo '#!/bin/sh' > del_$
chmod 750 del_$
NETWORKS=`wget -O -$AS|grep prefix\:|grep -v \:\:|awk '{print $3}'`

echo "iptables -t mangle -N $2_ip" >> add_$
echo "iptables -t mangle -N $2_do" >> add_$
echo "iptables -t mangle -A m_ip -j $2_ip" >> add_$
echo "iptables -t mangle -D m_ip -j $2_ip" >> del_$

for i in $NETWORKS; do echo "iptables -t mangle -A $2_ip -d $i -j $2_do" >> add_$; done
for i in $NETWORKS; do echo "iptables -t mangle -D $2_ip -d $i -j $2_do" >> del_$; done

echo "iptables -t mangle -A $2_do -j MARK --set-mark $3" >> add_$
echo "iptables -t mangle -D $2_do -j MARK --set-mark $3" >> del_$

echo "iptables -t mangle -X $2_ip" >> del_$
echo "iptables -t mangle -X $2_do" >> del_$