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Collusion between Google and the US Government

991 bytes added, 10:41, 28 September 2018
Google buying a US Navy contractant (Bostom Dynamics) and honouring its contact
== Initial funding of Google by the CIA and influence of their early developments ==
How the CIA made Google - 2015Inside the secret network behind mass surveillance, endless war, and Skynet—- 2015
“The MDDS funding that supported Brin was significant as far as seed-funding goes, but it was probably outweighed by the other funding streams,” said Thuraisingham. “The duration of Brin’s funding was around two years or so. In that period, I and my colleagues from the MDDS would visit Stanford to see Brin and monitor his progress every three months or so. We didn’t supervise exactly, but we did want to check progress, point out potential problems and suggest ideas. In those briefings, Brin did present to us on the query flocks research, and also demonstrated to us versions of the Google search engine. (the primary sponsors of the MDDS programme were three agencies: the NSA, the CIA’s Office of Research & Development, and the intelligence community’s Community Management Staff (CMS) which operates under the Director of Central Intelligence)”
== Google participation (project "Maven") to the Pentagon's drone assassination program ==
"The contract was “only” for $9 million, according to the New York Times, a relatively minor project for such a large company.
The Intercept tell a different story... Google’s business development arm expected the military drone artificial intelligence revenue to ramp up from an initial $15 million to an eventual $250 million per year.
In fact, one month after news of the contract broke, the Pentagon allocated an additional $100 million to Project Maven."
== Eric Schmidt's (former Google CEO) proximity with The State Department ==
"... It was into this ferment that Google projected itself that June, touching down in a London airport and making the long drive up into East Anglia to Norfolk and Beccles. Schmidt arrived first, accompanied by his then partner, Lisa Shields. When he introduced her as a vice president of the Council on Foreign Relations—a US foreign-policy think tank with close ties to the State Department—I thought little more of it. Shields herself was straight out of Camelot, having been spotted by John Kennedy Jr.’s side back in the early 1990s. They sat with me and we exchanged pleasantries. They said they had forgotten their dictaphone, so we used mine. We made an agreement that I would forward them the recording and in exchange they would forward me the transcript, to be corrected for accuracy and clarity. We began. Schmidt plunged in at the deep end, straightaway quizzing me on the organizational and technological underpinnings of WikiLeaks.
Some time later Jared Cohen arrived. With him was Scott Malcomson, introduced as the book’s editor. Three months after the meeting Malcomson would enter the State Department as the lead speechwriter and principal advisor to Susan Rice (then US ambassador to the United Nations, now national security advisor). He had previously served as a senior advisor at the United Nations, and is a longtime member of the Council on Foreign Relations. At the time of writing, he is the director of communications at the International Crisis Group.
At this point, the delegation was one part Google, three parts US foreign-policy establishment, but I was still none the wiser..."
Some time later Jared Cohen arrived. With him was Scott Malcomson, introduced as the book’s editor. Three months after the meeting Malcomson would enter the State Department as the lead speechwriter and principal advisor to Susan Rice (then US ambassador to the United Nations, now national security advisor). He had previously served as a senior advisor at the United Nations, and is a longtime member of the Council on Foreign Relations. At the time of writing, he is the director of communications at the International Crisis Group.
At this point, the delegation was one part Google, three parts US foreign-policy establishment, but I was still none the wiser..."
== Eric Schmidt's (former Google CEO) now working for the Pentagon ==
" Eric Schmidt, the former chief executive officer of Google, will head a new Pentagon advisory board aimed at bringing Silicon Valley innovation and best practices to the U.S. military, Defense Secretary Ash Carter said on Wednesday. "
== PRISM: Google participation (project as a "Mavenpartner company"to NSA's mass surveillance program == [[File:PRISM-collection-details.jpg|300px]] to  "Subsequent documents have demonstrated a financial arrangement between the PentagonNSA's drone assassination program Special Source Operations division (SSO) and PRISM partners in the millions of dollars."  == Google buying/becoming a US Navy contractant (Boston Dynamics) and honouring its contact ==
https://wiki(Google sold Boston Dynamics in 2017, but since 2013 honoured its contracts to the US
== Google buying a US Navy contractant (Bostom Dynamics) and honouring its contact ==
How Google Will Manage Its Role as a Defense Contractor
"Whether Google likes it or not, it is part of the military-industrial complex. At least until Boston Dynamics’ contracts expire."